he turned off to something else
He took some time to consider this, because he was true in all his thoughts; and then he turned off to something else.
“Why, the smashing of cheap oakley sunglasses
the mill may have been a mercy, although in disguise to the present time of sight. It will send up the price of scantlings, and we was getting on too fast with them. By the time we have built up the mill again we shall have more orders than we know how to do with. When I come to reckon of it, to me it appears to be the reasonable thing to feel a lump of grief for the old mill, and then to set to and build a stronger one. Yes, that must be about the right thing to do. And we’ll have all the neighbors in when we lay foundations.” “But what will be the good of it, Uncle Sam, when the new mill may at any time be washed away again?” “Never, at any time,” he answered, very firmly, gazing through the door as if he saw the vain endeavor. “That little game can easily be stopped, for about fifty dollars, by opening down the bank toward the old track of the river. The biggest waterspout that ever came down from the mountains could never come anigh the mill, but go right down the valley. It hath been in my mind to do it often, and now that I see the need, I will. Firm and I will begin tomorrow.” “But where is all the money to come from, Uncle Sam? You said that all your friends had refused to help you.” “Never mind, my dear. I will help myself. It won’t be the first time, perhaps, in my life.” “But supposing that I could help you, just some little? Supposing that I had found the biggest lump of gold ever found in all California?” Mr. Gundry ought to have looked surprised, and I was amazed that he did not; but he took it as quietly as if I had told him that I had just picked up a brass button of his; and I thought that he doubted my knowledge, very likely, even as to what gold was. “It is gold, Uncle Sam, every bit of it gold — here is a piece of it; just look — and as large, I am sure, as this table. And it may be as deep as this room, for all that one can judge to the contrary. Why, it stopped the big pile from coming to the top, when even you went down the river.” “Well, now, that explains a thing or two,” said the Sawyer, smiling peacefully, and beginning to think of another pipe, if preparation meant any thing. “Two things have puzzled me about that stump, and, indeed, I might say three things. Why did he take such a time to drive? and why would he never stand up like a man? and why wouldn’t he go away when he ought to?” “Because he had the best of all reasons, Uncle Sam. He was anchored on his gold, as I have read in French, and he had a good right to be crooked about it, and no power could get him away from it.” “Hush, my dear, hush! It is not at all good for young people to let their minds run on so. But this gold looks very good indeed. Are you sure that it is a fair sample, and that there is any more of it?”
the mill may have been a mercy, although in disguise to the present time of sight. It will send up the price of scantlings, and we was getting on too fast with them. By the time we have built up the mill again we shall have more orders than we know how to do with. When I come to reckon of it, to me it appears to be the reasonable thing to feel a lump of grief for the old mill, and then to set to and build a stronger one. Yes, that must be about the right thing to do. And we’ll have all the neighbors in when we lay foundations.” “But what will be the good of it, Uncle Sam, when the new mill may at any time be washed away again?” “Never, at any time,” he answered, very firmly, gazing through the door as if he saw the vain endeavor. “That little game can easily be stopped, for about fifty dollars, by opening down the bank toward the old track of the river. The biggest waterspout that ever came down from the mountains could never come anigh the mill, but go right down the valley. It hath been in my mind to do it often, and now that I see the need, I will. Firm and I will begin tomorrow.” “But where is all the money to come from, Uncle Sam? You said that all your friends had refused to help you.” “Never mind, my dear. I will help myself. It won’t be the first time, perhaps, in my life.” “But supposing that I could help you, just some little? Supposing that I had found the biggest lump of gold ever found in all California?” Mr. Gundry ought to have looked surprised, and I was amazed that he did not; but he took it as quietly as if I had told him that I had just picked up a brass button of his; and I thought that he doubted my knowledge, very likely, even as to what gold was. “It is gold, Uncle Sam, every bit of it gold — here is a piece of it; just look — and as large, I am sure, as this table. And it may be as deep as this room, for all that one can judge to the contrary. Why, it stopped the big pile from coming to the top, when even you went down the river.” “Well, now, that explains a thing or two,” said the Sawyer, smiling peacefully, and beginning to think of another pipe, if preparation meant any thing. “Two things have puzzled me about that stump, and, indeed, I might say three things. Why did he take such a time to drive? and why would he never stand up like a man? and why wouldn’t he go away when he ought to?” “Because he had the best of all reasons, Uncle Sam. He was anchored on his gold, as I have read in French, and he had a good right to be crooked about it, and no power could get him away from it.” “Hush, my dear, hush! It is not at all good for young people to let their minds run on so. But this gold looks very good indeed. Are you sure that it is a fair sample, and that there is any more of it?”
Sedan dök nästa trådända upp
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Sedan dök nästa trådända upp. Av ren nyfikenhet kollade Sune upp vem som stod som ägare av fastigheten på Nybrogatan 108 och fick fram ett holdingbolag som ingick i samma företagskoncern som finansbolaget. Något slags koppling verkade finns där, åtminstone till huset där spelklubben för tillfället bedrev sin verksamhet. Men illegala spelklubbar brukar vara mobila så det var långt ifrån säkert att fastighetsägaren - det vill säga holdingbolaget - hade något med spelklubben att göra. Att som nästa steg kolla den verkade dock vara det mest logiska. Han drog handen genom det glesa håret och tittade ut genom fönstret, upp mot den blygrå himlen. Det kändes som att han sprang i cirklar. Nåväl, ett miljöombyte kanske skulle pigga upp - från porrträsket till speldjungeln ...väskor
En snabb titt på Renstiernas- och Nybrogatan, sedan fick det räcka. Annika skulle ha påpekat att dagen redan var slut. När Sune stängde kontorsdörren skallrade rutan till. Kitt, för helvete, kitt! tänkte han trött.
Sune såg på långt håll blåljusen blixtra i vårkvällen och körde förbi utan att verka alltför intresserad. Han ställde sin gamla mörkblå Ford Sierra lite längre bort på Renstiernasgatan och gick tillbaka till 12:an. Regnet hängde i luften men än så länge var det uppehåll. Framför porten var tre polisbilar och en pikétbuss parkerade - och dessutom två civila polisbilar. Han noterade att det var ett halvstort pådrag, men inte mer. Utanför ingången stod några i uniform och småpratade, mot piketens front hängde en gänglig ordningspolis och rökte. Sune slog sig i slang med honom.väska
Sedan dök nästa trådända upp. Av ren nyfikenhet kollade Sune upp vem som stod som ägare av fastigheten på Nybrogatan 108 och fick fram ett holdingbolag som ingick i samma företagskoncern som finansbolaget. Något slags koppling verkade finns där, åtminstone till huset där spelklubben för tillfället bedrev sin verksamhet. Men illegala spelklubbar brukar vara mobila så det var långt ifrån säkert att fastighetsägaren - det vill säga holdingbolaget - hade något med spelklubben att göra. Att som nästa steg kolla den verkade dock vara det mest logiska. Han drog handen genom det glesa håret och tittade ut genom fönstret, upp mot den blygrå himlen. Det kändes som att han sprang i cirklar. Nåväl, ett miljöombyte kanske skulle pigga upp - från porrträsket till speldjungeln ...väskor
En snabb titt på Renstiernas- och Nybrogatan, sedan fick det räcka. Annika skulle ha påpekat att dagen redan var slut. När Sune stängde kontorsdörren skallrade rutan till. Kitt, för helvete, kitt! tänkte han trött.
Sune såg på långt håll blåljusen blixtra i vårkvällen och körde förbi utan att verka alltför intresserad. Han ställde sin gamla mörkblå Ford Sierra lite längre bort på Renstiernasgatan och gick tillbaka till 12:an. Regnet hängde i luften men än så länge var det uppehåll. Framför porten var tre polisbilar och en pikétbuss parkerade - och dessutom två civila polisbilar. Han noterade att det var ett halvstort pådrag, men inte mer. Utanför ingången stod några i uniform och småpratade, mot piketens front hängde en gänglig ordningspolis och rökte. Sune slog sig i slang med honom.väska